The SIMPL Project is anything but simple - it's also transformative and groundbreaking
The Sacramento Integrated Multimodal Place Based Living (SIMPL) is a collection of projects and efforts led by the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) and community partners to transform the Sacramento River District and downtown urban neighborhoods. The vision for SIMPL and its projects were developed by residents and community members. SIMPL is made possible through a grant provided by the California Strategic Growth Council's Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Program and additional investments from local agencies and organizations.
SIMPL aims to support the transformation of Sacramento's River District and downtown neighborhoods through twelve projects, including the construction of a public housing site (Mirasol Village, Block A), increased transit options to and from the River District, sustainable infrastructure, urban greening, parks, and a community garden. While revitalization projects often displace residents and small businesses, SIMPL includes avoidance displacement as well as workforce development and economic opportunities efforts to improve the River District's existing business and residential environments.