The cornerstone of SIMPL is community engagement. SIMPL community engagement supports connecting SIMPL Project Area residents and Sacramentans with the overall SIMPL effort as well as assuring that community members are satisfied with the implementation of SIMPL's projects. It is critical that SIMPL community engagement efforts include identifying new leaders, fostering a sense of ownership of community improvements, and increasing awareness of health and environmental issues. The Community Engagement Transformative Plan includes community input from the SIMPL Leadership Council and Community Engagement Workgroup, which consists of residents, stakeholder leaders, and SIMPL partners.
Additionally, SIMPL will host a variety of educational activities and engagement events focused around the SIMPL TCC funded projects: Mirasol Village housing, solar Installation, new Dos Rios Light Rail Station, NeighborWoods tree planting and care, community garden, and health and wellness outreach.
If you would like to learn more about SIMPL community engagement events, get involved, or to receive communications, please contact us!
Workforce Development and Economic Opportunities
The Workforce Development and Economic Opportunities Transformative Plan seeks to provide job training and education programs to prepare residents in the SIMPL project area to become competitive candidates for local jobs. The Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA) and Greater Sacramento Urban League will provide training and development opportunities for area residents. GRID Alternatives will also train individuals in solar installation through its Installation Basics Training program. Urban Strategies, Inc., and Greater Sacramento Urban League will also support SHRA with the implementation of this plan by providing case management and provide pre-employment skills services for youth and adults.
This work is overseen and guided by the SIMPL Workforce and Economic Opportunities Work Group. Additional technical assistance is provided by the Foundation for California Community Colleges.
If you would like to learn more about SIMPL training opportunities or have opportunities for job placement, please contact us!
The Displacement Avoidance Transformative Plan is designed to prevent the displacement of low-income households as well as small businesses located in the SIMPL project area. Household displacement avoidance strategies include the production of affordable family sized rental and ownership units, one-to-one replacement of distressed public housing, tenant protection and support efforts through maximizing acceptance of rental subsidies, and annual tenant rights' workshops. These efforts are led by SHRA and the Legal Services of Northern California.
Small business displacement avoidance strategies, led by the Sacramento Employment and Training Agency (SETA), include business retention and development workshops, layoff aversion workshops, and the creation of a job displacement profile.
If you would like to learn more about SIMPL residential or business displacement avoidance opportunities, please contact us!